Cyber Threat Intelligence & Fraud Investigation Platform

Robust Threat API and Darkweb Data Feed Available

ARIA provides automated account takeover protection, threat actor profiling, fraud investigations, and darkweb monitoring capabilities.

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The Largest Threat Intelligence Database on the Market, including Breached Credentials, Private Data Feeds, and Dark Web Hacker Chatter

ARIA includes intelligence from over 25,000 breached databases,botnets, hacker forums, Telegram channels, and exclusive closed-source chatter feeds.

Have questions? We are ready to schedule your free consultation

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Shadowbyte's ARIA Platform & Darkweb Data Feed Benefits

Cybercrime and Fraud Identification & Research

Assisting with fraud and cyber crime investigations for organizations and international law enforcement agencies.

Account Takeover Protection & Credential Leak Detection

Stop password reuse attacks. Learn which users have been compromised and stop attacks before they happen.

Automated Threat Actor Profiling and Attribution

Proprietary patent-pending automated attribution for threat actors and fraudsters.

Premium API and Firehose availability

Data from Aria available as an API feed or complete firehose option.

Data Leak Identification and Data Breach Protection

Is your data leaking? Search thousands of public NoSQL servers to find traces of your data or critical information to see how and where it is being shared.

Realtime Monitoring and Alerting Capabilities

24/7 / Real-time alerting and proactive monitoring available.


Aria Features



Stop Account Takeover

Avoid Fraud Loss

Identify Insider Threats

Mitigate Risk

Shadowbyte Benefits

Access to Exclusive Data Sources

Direct Threat Actor Communication

Better Intelligence Sources

Proven Track Record

24/7 Monitoring and API Access

Largest Source of Darkweb Data

24/7 Monitoring and Alerting

Darkweb Monitoring and EarlyFraud Detection

Monitor for mentions of keywords and relevant search terms across petabytes of private databases, breached credentials, data leaks, closed-source hacker forums, chat channels, and private darkweb markets, to know the moment information on your employees or company leaks, goes on sale, or is being mentioned.

Search Across Thousands of Private Databases

Account Takeover Solutions

Search across thousands of public databases for signs of your leaked or stolen data. More than just monitoring data dumps and leaked credentials, ARIA also monitors public NoSQL databases and buckets for sign of information pertaining to your company or brand.

Learn how our watchlist can integrate directly with your SOC for realtime alerting.

Contact Us with Any Questions
or to Receive a Custom Demo

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